Tuesday, November 10, 2020


Earlene Davis

Matthew 25:14-30
The Parable of the Talents

This parable tells of the separation of servant and servant, which will take place while the King is absent. Special trusts are committed to His servants. We do not believe they are natural gifts, education, nor personality traits; but something added to these. It is according to the abilities of each that they are given. These talents makes each one responsible in the measure that they are given, to gain for Christ and His Kingdom. They are opportunities that lie before each of us. There is an increase in the sphere of service with the wise use of them. 

The sphere of service grows larger as we serve. There must be no hiding of the talents. We are responsible to use all we are and have for our Lord. Five talents can grow to ten (V. 16). Two can become four (V. 17), with experience capacity and capability increases. No one is shut up to uselessness, God gives opportunities for all of His people to increase our talents  and add to His riches.

The one who receives but one talent is called to gain only one more, but this one hides his Lord’s money (V. 18). Because he has little ability and few opportunities for service, he thinks he is not responsible to do anything. Many Christians are like that, inactive and despising their little place, hiding their talent. The Lord gives their unused talent to others (V. 28). 

May we not despise a small place, because with wise use, our sphere of service will increase. The Master’s rule is, To him that hath shall more be given; but from him that hath not, even that which he hath shall be taken away (V. 29). 

It is note worthy, that it is not the amount we are entrusted with that ensures reward, but faithfulness to what we have been entrusted with. For the servant that had five and gained five more and the one that had two doubled his money, are rewarded the same (Vs. 21 & 23). It proves the one with only one talent could have had the same commendation if he had double his capital. So there are lessons for us in this parable.

But V. 30, describes the one that hides his Lord’s gifts as not even a believer. His words and actions are of total unbelief. He had no fear of the Lord. His own mouth condemned him, for if his Master was as he thought, he should have loaned his Lord’s money out to  received interest on the one talent (Vs. 24-26). He is cast into outer darkness away from God and all that is light.

Next lesson we will read the judgment of the nations in the end days. We have had Israel’s portion and the Church’s portion set before us of that time. The living Gentile nations will come into judgment when King, Jesus Christ takes His throne and rules. The Gentile nations had their time to rule, but their time is over. God will set His King upon the holy hill of Zion (Ps. 2:6). 

Next issue: The Parable of the Sheep and Goat Nations.