Sunday, December 8, 2019

He Has been Here

He has been here as a babe,
   God’s own beloved Son.
Of a Virgin He was born –
   Behold it was done.

He has been here as a child,
   Whom the wise men came
To see and to worship –
   Jesus was His Name.

He has been here as a Lad.
   In Temple He was found.
Learned doctors He amazed –
   With wisdom profound.

He has been here as a man,
   Plying ever day
His skill as a Carpenter –
   That was God’s own way.

He has been here as Teacher
   Wisdom all divine.
Was displayed in each lesson.
   His words were sublime.

He has been here as Redeemer,
   On the cross He died,
Suffering sorrow and shame,
   For us crucified.

He has been here–Wondrous God.
   His glory was seen.
He will come soon again,
   With beautiful Queen.
–Mary M. Bodie